Inner Management.
Manage the inside.
Contrary to what the headlines seem to suggest, the secret to a happy, productive workforce isn’t removing all deadlines and pressure.
The fact is - there will always be “stress” at work and in life.
The secret is - we need to learn how to manage our response to those necessary demands.
In our programs, we explain how the nervous system works and suggest practical tools, such as yoga, breathing techniques and meditation, to deal with feelings of overwhelm and being “stressed-out”, so we can contribute at our highest level both at work and in our personal lives.
Our approach incorporates holistic and practical “stress-management” practices, drawing on our background in holistic complementary medicine, as well as mindset, values alignment, and yoga for corporate environments.
One Hour.
Offer your employees and yourself an early morning, lunch or evening session so they keep your body healthy and refresh your mind.
Yoga postures
Breathing techniques
Intro to meditation
Three Hours.
Special attention to the breath. The way we breathe influences our nervous system. The deeper we breathe, the better we feel.
Linking the postures with the breath
A close look at our Nervous System
Intro to meditation
Five Hours.
Deepen the practices and include conversations. This package is great to encourage interaction and team building amongst the participants.
Practical stress management tools
Sharing in groups
Practical stress management tools
Healthy body (strength & mobility)
Calm mind through proper breathing
More energy
Knowledge about the Nervous System and how you can influence it
More awareness on all levels: physically, mentally and emotionally
Team Building - managing from a healthy inside to the outside